Bq Lab Limited



Radiation Testing Services

HSBC Purchase  Card payments are accepted. 歡迎使用HSBC采購卡(P-card)付款。

Radiation Board Approved Certification Services for Radiological Measurements and Testing


a) Integrity tests of sealed radioactive sources, in conformance with the protocol of ISO9978:1992, Section 5.3, on “Wipe tests” of sealed sources.


b) Calibration tests and functional tests of radiation surface contamination survey meters, in conformance with the protocol of IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 16, 2000: “Calibration of Radiation Protection Monitoring Instruments”, Section 7.3.


c) Calibration tests and functional tests of gamma radiation survey meters, in conformance with the protocol of IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 16, 2000: Calibration of Radiation Protection Monitoring Instruments, Section 3.5.1.


d) Evaluation of radiological surface contamination by direct monitor and/or smear survey based on International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 7503-1, ISO 7503-2 and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safety Standards Series No. SSR-6 (Regulation 214, 227 and 508), and National Standards of the People’s Republic of China GB 18871-2002 (Table B11 and Part D1 of Appendix D).

Third Party Test of Radiation Facilities (including X-ray room)


Test and assessment of radiation levels for controlled area, radiation leackage of X-ray tube and x-ray room, etc. Legislation compliancy and improvement suggestions.


Shielding Calculation for Medical Radiological Diagnostic Rooms  


Our professional team (medical physicists and radiatin protection officer) provides shielding calculation for radiological diagnostic rooms including X-ray/CT/PET rooms.  


Radiation Protection Consultancy


Radiation level assessment, Geant 4 Mont Carlo simulation, shielding design, lab design, licencing technical support, radon survey and control, etc. Carried out by our experienced medical physicists and radiation protection officer.

輻射水平評估,屏蔽設計,Geant 4 蒙特卡洛模擬,實驗室設計,牌照事務技術支援,氡氣調查與控制等。由經驗豐富的醫學物理學家和輻射防護主任承擔。

 Radioactive Substances Packaging, Testing, and Tansportation


Service on conveyance of radioactive substances within HK with radiation board approval.


Radionuclide Identification and Radiactivity Test for Unknow Sources and Substances 


Using advanced HPGe and/or PIPS semiconductors, make nuclide identification and radioactivity measurement for found unknown sources and substances. Radiatin Board permit for testing and transport services included.  


Services on Importing Irradiatng Apparatus and Radioactive Substances 


Provide services on purchase and import IA (X-ray machine) and RS (Radioactive sources). Handling Licences and removal permit.  



Repair & maintainance of Radiation Monitors/Detectors/Systems

We have experiences on repairing/maintaining various type of radiation detectors/monitors. 我們有維修維護各類輻射檢測儀的經驗。 

Maintainance & Repair Case Reference  維護維修實例供參考

(1) Fixed a BECKMAN LSC6500 Liquid Scitillation Counter. 修復一部BECKMAN LSC6500液閃探測器。

(2) Fixed a Teletector 6112 M/H detector. 修復一部Teletector 6112 M/H長杆探測儀。

(3) Fixed a Ortec HPGe preamp. 修復一個Ortec 高純鍺探測器前置放大器。

(4) Fixed a Selectra 1A hanheld contanminatin monitor. 修復一部Selectra 1A手持污染檢測儀 。

(5) Fixed a Berthold LB6360-H10 gamma probe. 修復一隻Berthold LB6360-H10伽瑪探頭。

(6) Fixed a Canberra 4261 high voltage supply module. 修復一個Canberra 4261高壓插件。

(7) Fixed a PerkinElmer Beta Scout liquid scintillaiton counter. 修復一部PerkinElmer Beta Scout液閃探測器。

(8) Fixed a handheld Mini 900 monitor with GM tube. 修復一部配PM計數管的Mini 900手持監測儀。

(9) Inspection and restore a Captus 4000e thyroid uptake detector. 檢查翻新一個Captus 4000e 甲狀腺攝入量探測器。

(10) Regular maintainance of a batch of LB111 gamma area monitors. 一批LB111場所γ輻射監測儀的日常維護。

(11) Regular maintainance and repair of a batch of LB9140 airbone alpha/beta monitor. 一批LB9140空氣alpha/beta檢測儀維護與維修。


 About Us

      Our laboratory is founded and run by Radiation Protection specilists, including former University Radiatin Protection Officer, adjunt/honorary professor, medical physicists, and laboratory officers, etc. 

      We provide authority approved radiation testing services that are "Professional and Reliable", "Timeline Guaranteed", and "Reasonably Charged". When facing challenges in various kinds of issues in radiation testing and radiation safety, don't forget to seek support from Bq Lab. 

        Our lab is the first (and the only one curently) approved radiation testing services provider that accepts government Purchase Card payments. 






 Our Clients

Govenment departments:  AFCD; EPD; FEHD; Government Laboratory; Hong Kong Observatory; WSD ...

Hospitals: Tuen Mun Hospital;  Adventist Hospital; St Paul's Hospital; CUHKMC; Kiang Wu Hospital; University Hospital Macau ... 

Educational Institutions: HKU; BU; City U; VTC;  more than 10 Secondary Schools  ...

Other industries: ATAL; Chevalier Construction; M+ Museum; Now TV; San Miguel Brewery; Fujifilm; Kai Mei Gem Co. ...

政府部門:漁護署; 環保署; 食環署; 政府化驗所; 天文臺; 水務署 ...

醫院:屯門醫院; 港安醫院; 聖保祿醫院; 中大醫院; 鏡湖醫院; 澳門科大醫院 ...

教育機構:香港大學;浸會大學; 城市大學; 職業訓練局; 10多所中學 ...

其他業界: 安樂工程; 其士建築;M+博物館Now TV; 生力啤; Fujifilm; 佳美寶石公司 ...

聯繫我們 Contact Us

+852 3797 3308 

+852 3585 6308 

Unit 16, 10/F, International Trade Centre, No.11 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong 
